The Telegraph is running a story on Czech President Klaus' view on the EU and promotes his new book to appear in the U.K. next week,
Václav Klaus warns that the destruction of Europe's democracy may be in its final phaseThe book is called The Shattering of Illusions. It has 200 pages and costs £14.44.
Our leader blames two-faced politicians not only in the typical PC parties but also politicians such as the U.K. conservatives for the trend.
The British daily mentions some other worrying statements. Mr Guido Westerwelle, paradoxically from the German FDP, urges the EU to abolish the vetoes of nation states. To enforce the EU law everywhere on the continent, an "EU army" may have to be established. Wow, I haven't heard about it before.
They mention Klaus' criticism of Barroso's recent call for a European federation as well as his longer track record. Klaus agrees that among the European leaders, he is isolated. Many examples of that are listed, e.g. Klaus' recent shocking experience with the Italian politicians who have admitted to be unable to act rationally and who hope that Brussels can do it better. They are escaping responsibility and accountability. David Cameron and his pals are criticized, too. The Tories have mostly lost it in the decades after Thatcher which is why Klaus is closer to UKIP these days.
Klaus finds it paradoxical that it's him who must teach Europe about democracy today.
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