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Saturday, 29 September 2012

Info Post
Al Gore has repeatedly said that he was putting his money where his mouth is. However, it was just revealed that in the real world, Al Gore is stealing the money where almost every green criminal steals them, and he is putting them where almost every rich person or investor puts them. Be sure that these two places are very different from one another. just published a very interesting text with the title:
Al Gore bails from green energy investment
Bill Gunderson, the president of Gunderson Capital Management, has looked at the portfolio of Al Gore's investment management firm, Generation Investment Management. In fact, you can look at the list yourself; it's at the SEC website:
SEC about Gore's firm
What firms will you see there?

You may check every individual company listed over there – I haven't done so but Gunderson claims that none of them is concerned with carbon reduction or alternative energy sources. In particular, none of the companies produces solar panels, wind turbines, or biofuels. Instead, what you find are mundane commercial real estate, biotech, and healthcare companies, aside from Amazon, Procter and Gamble, Colgate Palmolive, Polypore (whose stocks they doubled: production of membranes for batteries and filters), and others.

In general, the green companies were never promising or profitable by themselves. They have always relied on subsidies and distortions of the markets guaranteed by corrupt or just plain stupid politicians controlled by special groups such as the group around Al Gore. But even the subsidies are dropping and Al Gore, or at least people in his company, know it very well.

So the climate is the place where Al Gore earns his money starting from nothing – for insane speaking fees, from sponsors, printed carbon indulgences by himself, and so on. But once he has already stolen all these millions, he can't afford to throw them to the trash bin known as the green economy because it was so hard for him to steal all these funds by decades of lying and fraud! He invests them just like everyone else.

I wonder whether during one of the future "climate reality days" that Gore organizes, he will reveal the reality of the climate's absence in his investments.


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