Al Gore has repeatedly said that he was putting his money where his mouth is . However, it was just revealed that in the real world, Al Gore...
Raphael Bousso is right about firewalls
Five days ago, I reviewed the discussions on black hole firewalls , started by AMPS in July 2012 . Joe Polchinski wrote a guest blog for Cos...
President Klaus survives "assassination attempt"
There's a national holiday in the Czech Republic today. We call it the Day of Czech Statehood. On September 28th, 935 – or perhaps 929 –...
Exotic branes, U-branes, and U-folds
TBBT: All American readers should notice that the first episode of the 6th season of The Big Bang Theory was aired by CBS yesterday. Howa...
Fifty years after Silent Spring
Conservationism or environmentalism as an ideology has its roots in Nazi Germany and one could probably go even further. But the Western en...
Experimenters, SUSY, frustrations, and anthropic ideas
High-energy phenomenologists and experimenters may be entering a psychological stage that was predictable – and that, in fact, many of us in...
Albert Einstein 1911-12, 1922-23
Several events related to Albert Einstein's life occurred in recent days and months. If you consider yourself a sort of Einstein fan, yo...
Street View: Antarctica, deep ocean, Alps, Mars, etc.
If you haven't played with Google Maps for some time, you may want to try some of the wonderful links below. Note that the Street View a...
Witten's new trilogy on RNS diagrams
Witten is such a big guy in physics that I will probably not attempt to write a single article attempting to cover all his important contrib...
BBC: Who's afraid of a big black hole?
Another episode about fundamental physics of the BBC 2 "Horizon" program, featuring people such as Andy Strominger (in a dark clas...
Did EPA test toxins on humans?
Steve Milloy of JunkScience.COM and pals have sued Lisa Jackson's EPA for having deliberately exposed unhealthy humans to harmful and le...
Almost all particle physics papers will be free
Journals will sign a deal with libraries In many other fields such as Earth sciences, people are dreaming about the free access for everyone...