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Friday, 22 March 2013

Info Post
... well, the first influential one ...

I have always found her personal attitude to the global warming orthodoxy puzzling if not fascinating. In December 2009, in Berlin, her ex-aide Lord Monckton told me a mixed and confusing story about her real beliefs and about the role of the striking miners – an influence that Martin Durkin's documentary claimed to be important for her decision to create the octopus institutions that would become the IPCC etc.

In June 2010, in Nice, Christopher Booker painted a detailed picture of Margaret Thatcher as the first climate skeptic. She recanted some previous views of hers, I was explained, and at least in her book "Statecraft", she criticized the AGW movement in a modern way that resembles what we're saying these days.

But I have never known what were the views she actually recanted.

Benny Peiser sent us an excerpt from Rupert Darwall's book "Age of Global Warming" that is linked at the top, that will be released in one month, and that you may pre-order now.
Book excerpt: The first warmist (The Financial Post)
She gave a talk to the Royal Society in September 1988, just 3 months after Hansen's notorious testimony to the U.S. Congress, and in some sense, it was even tougher than Hansen's speech.

We're learning that it's the greatest issue of the present world that is comparable to the discovery of the splitting of the atoms (and I am sure that she meant the nuclei, not atoms) – holy cow – and that would require great sacrifices if we want to protect the future generations etc. In some sense, it almost looks like that the climate alarmists, undisturbed by any creative or original thinking, have simply copied their proclamations and their general ideology from Margaret Thatcher.

The excerpts says that she's been intrigued by the ideas about global warming since the mid 1970s – since the time when many leading senior climate alarmists we know today were afraid of a new ice age. If that's true, then Martin Durkin's story about the striking miners who created the monster can't be correct. I couldn't resist to find a video with Thatcher talking like an authoritative climate alarmist about the climate hysteria.

It's from the 2009 BBC2 program Earth: the Climate Wars. The prickly remarks she was saying were terribly deluded but one must admit that unlike the vast majority of the contemporary male politicians, she had the balls. She actually exhibited not only some originality through her ability to frame these deeply misguided ideas but also some courage – something that is unknown to the climate alarmists today – because there was nothing popular about these delusions in the late 1980s.

In fact, as the excerpt tells us, no TV station cared about her musings on the climate change when she addressed the Royal Society in September 1988.

At any rate, left-wingers almost never invent anything new. They're just taking random ideas pushed by the conservatives – preferably the ideas that have already been debunked and superseded – and promote them through their mass movement at moments when the only conceivable consequence is degradation of the economy and stagnation of the human society. They call it progress but progress – through the competition between the new ideas some of which may win – is one of the main things they viscerally hate.


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