Bill Zajc sent me a link to the following fresh CERN talk by my (former) PhD adviser Tom Banks: The Unruh Effect, the S-matrix and the Absen...
01 result from AMS-02 on 03/04 at 05 pm
Do you know which number would be the next one? Six weeks ago, Sam Ting claimed that not too uninteresting results from the Alpha Magnetic ...
Antiprotons obey CPT within 5 ppm
Just a neutrino link: Two weeks ago, MiniBooNE reported some results that seem to conflict with the standard model of 3-flavor neutrino os...
Reunification of Korea
Almost exactly 10 years ago, in March 2003, the U.S. invaded Iraq. I had mixed feelings about that decision and I still have mixed feelings....
Irrational dissatisfactions with physics
When people aren't understanding certain issues in physics and when they're asking questions, e.g. at the Physics Stack Exchange , t...
Waiting for peak oil: a paradox
As an enthusiastic proponent of fracking, Gene sent me a link to this NBC article Power shift: Energy boom dawning in America that argues, a...
Americans see the Higgs boson, too
...sort of... Two years ago, I was a staunch defender of the retirement of the Tevatron, the collider near Chicago, Illinois. The reason was...
Rosatom plans fast reactors based on U-238
Technet , a Czech sci-tech server, published an interview with Vyacheslav Pershukov today, the deputy CEO and the director of the scientific...
Speed of light is variable: only in junk media
Francis the Emule (Spanish) diplomatically agrees with me... If you open Google Science News at this very moment, the #1 story is saying t...
Reagan's Star Wars: 30 years ago
Ronald Reagan gave the following 30-minute talk on March 23rd, 1983, i.e. 30 years ago: Most of the talk is about the motivation and the sit...
Wernher von Braun: 101st birthday
Today, we celebrate the birthday of three mathematicians who have heavily influenced physics: Pierre-Simon Laplace, Amalie Emmy Noether, and...