Blog posts on this blog are assigned several categories or labels – see "other texts on similar topics" beneath each post or the list of categories or labels in the right sidebar. This feature only appears in the widget-heavy, green template, not in the mobile one.
If you have a favorite category, you may find its feed at URLs such as second URL was mentioned to show that spaces may be included in the URLs. If your browser happens to have problems with spaces, replace each with %20 records
(I couldn't add the period after the last sentence because it would be misleading.)
Your humble correspondent has created a Feedburner copy of the climate feed – in a new format – on a special URL.
The Feedburner climate feed URL is at you want another category to be put on Feedburner, let me know. The Feedburner version of the blog-wide Disqus comment feed has also been created.
I don't expect the number of subscribers to these feeds to reach a number similar to the number of subscribers for the main TRF feed which is about 17,000 right now (16,000 out of it is via Google Feedfetcher) so it may be a waste of time to preemptively prepare too many feeds.
Let me mention that in the right sidebar of the widget-heavy, green template, you find several colorful feed icons such as
which link to assorted feeds with or without Google Reader (add right before the http URL of the feed), feeds for Disqus (whole blog), Twitter (whole blog: I am de facto not using Twitter for anything else aside from the automatic alerts to blog articles), and so on. Try to hover over the icons or click at them to see what they do.
If you don't know what feeds are and who is actually feeding whom by what, don't worry: the video above explains it.
Also, at the bottom of the Disqus comment section of each blog entry, there is a special "comment feed" for that article as well as "subscribe via e-mail" (try to click it, may be undone by another click on the same link). You will also subscribe to the feeds (or via e-mail?) if you star a discussion.
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