Because Frank E. L. asked me about related issues, I have downloaded all the monthly/regional Czech Hydrometeorological Institute's temp...
Evolving portrait of the electron
About 150 years ago , people began to do the experiments that would lead to the discovery of the electron. They would study the electrical c...
Feed URLs for blog categories
This is a purely technical blog entry. Magnus Andersson asked me to create a feed with the climate articles only. Blog posts on this blog ar...
A theory of everything is an important research project
Richard Feynman stressed that we shouldn't make preconditions about how our future description of Nature is going to look like: Lisa Ran...
A visit to Crumlaw
Fun paper: More than 12 years after the LEP collider was closed (now the LHC sits in the same tunnel), the collaborations publish a paper ...
Klaus' successor: Miloš Zeman elected Czech president
I have "more positive than negative" opinions about both candidates but I voted for Miloš Zeman (*1944, see a sensible story in NY...
Weinberg's evolving views on quantum mechanics
Cool anniversary (1/25): CERN discovered the W-boson (UA1 experiment) exactly 30 years ago, two months after their first W candidate; ther...
HEP: the bias favors women
In the Time Magazine , when Jeffrey Kluger wrote about Ms Fabiola Gianotti, the spokesman of ATLAS at the LHC, as the runner-up for their ...
CNN: Marc Morano on extreme weather trends
CNN and its Piers Morgan show just aired a very short exchange of opinions Michael Brune vs Marc Morano (video) between a defender of the c...