Breaking News
Friday, 30 November 2012

Info Post
You must have noticed that two days ago, news sources were hyping a claim of Melba Ketchum, a Texan veterinarian, that she has sequenced the DNA taken from Mr Bigfoot Sasquatch Jr.

After a 5-year-long research, her DNA team in Nacogdoches has allegedly determined that he exists and he is the son of an American woman (because the mitochondrial DNA inherited from the mother matches homo sapiens sapiens) and her hairy male primate partner whose ancestors split from "us" (apologies to TRF readers who are Sasquatch Americans whom I don't count right now) about 15,000 years ago (because they are said to have discovered a new nuDNA related to humans and primates).

Oh, I see. The Register says that they claim that the sex between the human female and the exotic creature took place 15,000 years ago.

I would like some readers with some good enough background in genetics to tell me whether the claims would be possible if the hypothetical hairy 8-feet Gentleman exists and, more generally, what is the most likely explanation of all these claims. Thanks...

Before I am told something more sensible, I find the story very unlikely and the source doesn't look excessively credible but the story is not impossible. It doesn't seem to be banned by the laws of Nature that there could be a primate that's closer to us and whose population is very small – and the remaining ones are dying in car accidents every year. However, it's even more suspicious that this is supposed to be offspring of humans with a primate that is unknown.


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