You must have noticed that two days ago, news sources were hyping a claim of Melba Ketchum, a Texan veterinarian, that she has sequenced th...
Firewalls vs analytic continuation
Two new interesting anti-firewall papers and one pro-firewall paper The black hole firewall argument by AMPS is probably invalid but it has...
Dark matter discovery: behind the corner?
Clara Moskowitz did a pretty good job Two days ago, I read a popular article about dark matter: Dark Matter Mystery May Soon Be Solved It wa...
Palestinian statehood and the U.N.
Update, vote: 138 Yes, 9 No (including Czechia), 41 Abstain The State of Judenfrei Palestine was painfully accepted to UNESCO one year ago...
David Ian Olive: 1937-2012
Clifford Johnson mentioned some sad news. Off-topic but good news: Mathematica 9 is released today and it's big , offering the first u...
Five greatest physicists' sex scandals
This is an extremely, extremely light topic. wrote a new article 5 Of Physics's Greatest Sex Scandals A TRF guest blogger fin...
It's wrong to worry about the "fiscal cliff"
Starting from January 2013, America has a chance to restore some balance in its federal budget that's been getting worse since Clinton...
Martin Rees' center studies 4 worst threats for mankind
Climate change is on par with robot uprising The cataclysm on December 21st, 2012 is less than a month away and I am regularly asked by peo...
Many worlds vs positivism and symmetries
About a dozen of TRF articles mention Hugh Everett and his "many-worlds interpretation" of quantum mechanics. Exactly three month...