Breaking News
Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Info Post
Luis Dias from Brazil's former European headquarters kindly translates the essence of the video in the comments

Rio de Janeiro has witnessed another preposterous environmentalist summit a few days ago. The only tangible outcome of Rio+20 was that Jesus Christ was forced to join the Green Party: click the picture for a BBC story. It was quite a good selection of the place because when it comes to the climate panic, Brazil is one of the most brainwashed countries in the world although the hysterics are doing very "well" in India, China, and France as well.

There is no clear proportionality between the ignorance, poverty, and the influence of the pseudoscientific doctrine on global warming. However, it shouldn't be hard for you to imagine "communication-challenged nations" that honestly depend on the inflow of U.N.-filtered and U.N.-fabricated news and that haven't even heard some basic facts about the climate and its natural change, that haven't even heard the statement that this whole panic is a pile of junk. I am pretty sure that this is true for most of the natives of Micronesia who are being constantly told that their islands will sink because of the Czech power plant's CO2 emissions.

But this description of Brazil may be changing.

Chris Mooney has just told us that he has one more reason to panic:
Climate Denial Hits Brazil (Think Progress, Climate; DeSmogBlog Demagog)
What he sees as the major turning point in the brainwashing of the people in Brazil is the following 30-minute May 2012 interview of comedian Jo Soares (the old guy) with Prof Ricardo Augusto Felicio – the show resembles the Letterman show or Kraus' show in Czechia:

680,000 views (and rising) isn't bad for a video in Portuguese. The number suggests that a clear condensation core of the Brazilian climate realism is firmly in place.

He primarily studies the Antarctic climate. Incidentally, the melting rate of the Antarctic shelves was recently zero, thus proving that virtually all existing climate models describe the continent (and probably the remaining continents as well) inadequately.

Incidentally, Felicio has previously prepared the Portuguese translation of the Skeptical Handbook by a namesake of the TV host ;-), Jo Nova.

I've said it many times but we should care about the developing countries because the lack of adequate information about the climate is much worse over there – and these countries are really those that would suffer maximally if some global policies aiming to regulate CO2 were imposed. These countries are full of people who genuinely want or need to know some facts about the climate, as opposed to the shameless lies presented by the climate alarmists, but they're just not getting anything. Due to the lower penetration of these countries by the Internet and other media, those people may be kept and are kept in blissful ignorance about the basic numbers.

At any rate, you may want to read Mooney's rant to conclude that he is seriously worried; some people dared to watch the interview and Felicio is even allowed to teach some students at the University of São Paulo. Imagine the blasphemy! ;-)

Meanwhile, when it comes to the superficial criteria, I am convinced that the climate realists have a good public face in Brazil although I can't verify all Felicio's statements. That's because I don't speak Portuguese too well; so far, I have only authored one book in that language. ;-)

When one talk about Latin America and global warming, Shakira is planning to release a "global warming" album later this year, holy crap. A song she recorded with a rapper has been leaked.

I started with one "green" sculpture that's been modified; here's another one. Maybe the Americans will improve their famous statue, too. "Warming of the planet": via Angharad. ;-)


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