Joseph S. has sent me links to articles (e.g. UPI , Forbes ) about an energy breakthrough claimed by Percival Zhang , a bio-engineer from ...
Obama, beauty, and sexism
I had to laugh when I learned that Barack Obama who has often benefited from political correctness has been caught to the PC trap himself. A...
Dyson: Climatologists are no Einsteins
The New Jersey Star Ledger printed a nice interview with Freeman Dyson: Climatologists are no Einsteins, says his successor (Star Ledger) B...
AMS: the steep drop is very likely there
Reconstructing the dark matter particle from sloppily censored data On Wednesday, Sam Ting gave the talk about AMS-02 at CERN . If you misse...
Holy week with the EU: an insane EU propaganda video
The news server and other Czech media have brought us a trailer of a new movie funded by the national branches of the top EU instit...
Reframing string theory in terms of observer horizons
Yasunori Nomura and Jaime Varela – sometimes with Sean Weinberg – wrote several papers that explain a reason why the argument by AMPS that ...
AMS-02 seems to overcautiously censor solid evidence for dark matter
The case for a \(350\GeV\) neutralino strong but probably made look weaker Quick links: the new AMS-02 paper (open access); liveblog from...
Ernst Chladni: an anniversary
Ernst Chladni , the father of acoustics and the father of meteoritics, passed away in Wrocław (German: Breslau, Czech: Vratislav) on April 3...
Italy seizes $1.7 billion from Sicilian counterpart of Al Gore
Fox News and all the other media are full of the breaking news that the Italian police have seized €1.3 billion from Vito Nicastri. This ...
Dwindling AGW and retired Hansen
Post-retirement Hansen has no reasons for self-glorification Juliet Eilperin , an alarmist hired gun at the Washington Post, is among the re...
UCSC study: sea lions like Backstreet Boys
...but the metronome is pretty good, too... The University of California in Santa Cruz – where I spent the first half of the year 2000 – has...
AMS-02: dark matter is composed of a cosmic string
...and its shape seems very "wiggly"... The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer finally decided to expose its first batch of data at Princ...