In the article aptly titled "Light-Bulb Ban Casts Shadow over EU Democracy" , The Spiegel reminds us, the Europeans, about an imp...
Harvard course: 125 students copy a take-home exam
B Chimp Yen has informed me about a mass cheating scandal at Harvard; see e.g. these sources . BBC and other outlets wouldn't tell you ...
German offshore wind turbines: hiding all the disadvantages
Most of the otherwise rational German nation was scared by the Fukushima non-disaster and decided to close all of its nuclear power plants b...
London built a new paralympic LHC collider
The opening ceremony of the 2012 Paralympic Games in London was apparently a cool event. At the beginning of this 4-minute preview, you may ...
Moonlanding was staged, 74% of climate alarmists say
Update: poll results You may still vote but analogously to the Lewandowsky poll, I decided that a sufficient number of votes have been submi...
Conformal Standard Model and the second \(325\GeV\) Higgs boson
Does Peter Higgs (or God) have a secretive brother? Křištof Meissner and Hermann Nicolai released a short preprint \(325\GeV\) scalar resona...
Alan Guth and inflation
Alan Guth of MIT is one of the nine well-deserved inaugural winners of the Milner Prize . He has received $2,999,988 because Milner failed ...
Crackpots are patient while sending texts to journals
In November 2011 , a group of three physicists/mathematicians wrote the 3,635th paper suggesting that there had to be something wrong about...
Neil Armstrong: 1930-2012
Neil Armstrong , an unusually modest professional who considered moonwalk to be a job just like any other job, took this New World Symphony ...
Simple proof QM implies many worlds don't exist
A vast majority of the people who write popular books, blogs, and comments at discussion forums about the foundations of quantum mechanics a...