I still consider Matrix theory ( BFSS, 1996 ) one of the most conceptually original developments in theoretical physics of the last 20 years...
FAQ on black holes and information
Of course, the black hole information puzzle has been discussed in dozens of older TRF blog entries Backreaction has posted a flow diagram ...
Bribed, stealing officials enjoy their $500k before they're caught
David Rath , the main symbol of corruption of the Czech social democratic party, took most of the $500,000+ bribes in a major Czech corrupti...
Recent JS-Kit comments
This widget used to be in the right sidebar. I removed it on June 21st, 2012, because Echo is being decommissioned, the "recent comment...
Recent slow Blogger.com and JS-Kit Echo comments
Recent Blogger.com slow comments This used to be inside the right sidebar instead of the DISQUS recent comments combination widget: You see ...
Knud Rasmussen pictures: Greenland is melting less quickly than 80 years ago
Knud Rasmussen (1879-1933) was a Danish polar explorer and the father of Eskimology. By an accident, 80-year-old pictures of the Greenland ...
Why \(\NNN=8\) supergravity is probably divergent at 7 loops
Arguments in favor of finiteness are much more sloppy I have been discussing the maximally supersymmetric supergravity and its conjectured p...